
Showing posts from August, 2020

Gender Inequality : still a pending and pressing issue in the modern world

  "We live in a democratic country where it is said that everyone is treated equally.  Article 15 of the Indian constitution states that no person shall be discriminated on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Then why even in this 21st century women are still discriminated just because they are females. Is being women a crime? Answer to this question would be a big 'NO' but still, starting from the childhood to their old age women are considered lesser and weaker than man in some or the other aspect of their life and society. Female infanticide is still in practice in this modern society, where everything is modern except the mentality of the people living in this society. We cannot blame the old generation for this when even the new generation is caught in the trap.   Mother is the one who give birth to a baby, that pain is unbearable and more than any other pain in this whole world then how can anyone consider her to be weak? She is always co...