
Showing posts from October, 2020

The less spoken side of 2020

    “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” -         Deepak Chopra In the era which has the ideology of Humans greater than God, there came a huge blow of fatal incidents that shook the equilibrium of the system of the whole world. Starting from Australia’s Bushfire to the Coronavirus and   many other mankind or natural disasters like the Bangalore riots or Locust attack, 2020 is considered to be the “ death spell of the Death Eaters.” But as “change is the only constant”, human beings have not yet given up in making things normal or adapting the “new normal.” There have been constant efforts to prepare vaccines against Covid-19 throughout the world and I am sure that we will get through these hindrances very soon. Stating the phrase of “new normal”, the changes adopted in 2020 paves a new way of life for 2021 which is characterized not by traditional long cuts but modern solutions that would give a new color to everyone’s li...


  There are four groups of people, and they are: Feminist - who strive for equal rights, safety and protection; Misogynist - Who think that there should be a world only run by men; Misandrist who think that only women should rule and have all the rights; Pseudo-feminist -who think they are feminists but have a different goal altogether!They think that degrading men and spreading hate against a specific gender is defined as feminism, they even degrade and objectify women. We all know that the first thing that strikes our mind after hearing the term feminism is “woman”, their safety, security and giving special rights to them but in reality, this is what a pseudo feminist demands. A feminist asks for equal rights, protection and opportunities! All they demand is equality between two different genders. I have seen many people treating people badly under the name of feminism, I have heard stories and read articles where in innocent boys are victims just because of some girl files...


  INTRODUCTION “Demos” means “people” and “Kratos” means “rule”. Butwhat if rules are governed by the opinion of a single person/party? The simplest answer to this question is, it will start a dictatorship/communism. For preventingthis to happen, the basic principle of democracy came to the form which says “rules and government are by the people, of the people, for the people”. Since the concept revolves around the people. The voice of people matters a lot, and to acknowledge their voices the concept of media is being followed. Media is one of the pillars of democracy among 4(The other 3 pillars are the legislature, executive, and judiciary.) on which the concept of democracy is established. Media shapes the thoughts of the public(personally and politically) in many ways. Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian constitution provides Freedom of speech and expression which also contains freedom of the press. There is no specific provision ensuring freedom of the press but it is regard...


    Indian media is omnipresent - whether it is the radio, television, or the social media. The introduction of technology and modern tools has broadened the role and stature of media in the modern world. In fact, it is quite legit to say that rise of social media and equipment has resulted in the promotion of individual’s opinion and judgement in an extremely sensational manner in current picture. Whereas, Democracy is a primary concept of governance in the world, and has now also moved ahead and moulded its governing features. The term Media: Fourth Pillar of Democracy is coined by Thomas Caryle which envisages that the primary job of the Media is to cover the truth and show the factual scenario, like a mirror to the entire world. Constitutional Status The stone of Freedom of speech and press has been laid down by the Indian Judiciary in several case laws and lately, the apex court has been also widening the horizon of the said legal right. In Tata Press Ltd. v ....